Sunday, 7 June 2009

Recurrence of Shortage Of Public Services Commission Scholarships Again

The issue of shortage of Public Services Commission (PSC) scholarships resurfaced after the announcement of SPM results every year, without a satisfactory way of resolve is akin to a disease that thrives in the world every year. Although there are keen debates and meetings in both Parliament and the Cabinet, which are on-going,why is it that this issue still cannot be resolved in a satisfactory manner ? If we, who possess a 52-year history of uninterrupted government, are still haunted with this issue of education, how can we manage other issues which carry more impact and are more complicated with difficulty.

At the same time, the MCA Minister displaying self-greatness and importance through this issue,has made all kinds of promises through the mass media, that he will try his level best to help the Chinese community regarding this issue. But has the Honourable Minister truly done this in the Cabinet meetings which is held every Wednesday ? The public do not know what transpires in the Cabinet meetings, but they understand the policy which is temporary has become permanent with the ending of the Cabinet meeting. This policy only causes the issue does not resurface in the short term and more importantly worries the public who consider this issue is resolved in good ways by the government. Due to this, this issue will continue to persist and be repeated if there is no continuous policy that is aimed at the long term. The incorrect perception is portrayed to the public because the policy that is supposed to be temporary actually only " silenced" this issue and is not true it genuinely resolves this issue.

We estimate that each student who is successful in obtaining a PSC scholarship will receive RM375,000 and RM75 million will be reimbursed for 2000 PSC scholarships that are offered. This estimate only uses 0.1 % Of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) which totals 695.7 billion. If awarding scholarship offers to 7282 brilliant students who apply for this scholarship, an estimate of 0.3 % from the GDP will be utilized in this area of scholarship. The hero of India, Mahatma Gandhi, once said that “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the ways its animals are treated”. I also use this idea with regard to this issue. The peak of the moral progress of a country can be known through the attitude and the way of service which is used towards the field of education aby a country. This idea is true because it is the quality of the people that determines the progress or the decline of a country. Regarding this matter, the quality of the people is largely influenced by the aspect of education. Furthermore, this issue involves the group of students who obtained excellent results that are brilliant. Do not sacrifice their future because of an irresponsible attitude of the ruling government in this issue.

Many issues regarding the procedures of selection of candidates in the PSC scholarship also arises. The issue of no openness is also an issue which is most critical. Applicants will only receive the result whether he or she is successful or is a failure in the scholarship applications, and other details mainly, the reasons of unsuccessful application is not stipulated. The announcement regarding selection procedure of PSC scholarship is still not done since its establishment and the marking process that is announced is only used as an illusion that confuses the minds of the general public. Why is it that this selection procedure cannot be made public ? Applicants have the aright to know all related aspects and these information maybe can help them, especially those who want to appeal in a short time. Do not say that this simple matter cannot be done.

Everyone hopes that this issue can sbe resolved in a continuous way and is highly effective. If the government still cannot take action that is necessary and the PSC cannot cannot effect changes in the scholarship selection procedure that is fair and meritorious, this issue will always arise. Not only brilliant students face difficulty, we as citizens are also responsible for the result caused by this issue which has not been resolved for a permanent solution.

Er Teck Hwa
Member of Parliament for Bakri

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